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Panel Discussion

Meet Your Future: A Conversation about Career Pathways

SAFE Credit Union Convention Center
Ballroom A2-3

Who Should Attend?

  • Undergrads
  • Graduate Students
  • Early Career Attendees

Most physics bachelor's, master's, and PhD's go on to careers in the private sector or government labs, and the skills and experiences that should be emphasized for employment in the private sector are different from academia. In this session, physicists from academic, industry, and government sectors will share their insights on preparing for a career in these fields.


  • Bhubanjyoti Bhattacharya, Associate Professor of Physics, Lawrence Technological University
  • Sarah McKenney, Associate Professor of Radiology Department & Chief of Medical Physics Division, University of California, Davis Health
  • Arielle Maxner, Senior Advanced Manufacturing Engineer, Carbon
  • Anashe Bandari, Science Writer/Editor, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

More information


Regular registration is open through March 15, 2024.

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