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Session Chair Responsiblities

In-person and virtual session chairs play an important role by providing presenter introductions, keeping time, and moderating audience questions. APS is grateful to the volunteers who assist in facilitating these sessions.

Responsibilities & instructions

  • Check the Epitome or the mobile app prior to your session to see if there are any changes.
  • Start the session on time.
  • Please adhere to the time listed in the schedule so that simultaneous sessions are as closely synchronized as possible. Many attendees move from session to session in order to hear specific papers.
  • Briefly introduce yourself and the session.
  • To foster an inclusive environment, remind all presenters and attendees to adhere to the APS Code of Conduct. To report Code of Conduct violations, visit EthicsPoint or call (844) 660-3924. You can also reach out to the APS Information Desk in Sacramento or the virtual help desk in the platform, and a member of the APS management team will be contacted to assist you.
  • Explain the session timing to the audience prior to the start of the session.
    Introduce each presenter and start the timer.

Talk times


  • Twelve minutes total: 10 minutes of presentation and two minutes of Q&A.
  • Alert the speaker at the eight minute mark.


  • Thirty-six minutes total: 30 minutes of presentation and six minutes of Q&A.
  • Alert the speaker at the 25 minute mark.

In-person session chairs

Chairs and speakers are asked to arrive at the meeting room about 30 minutes prior to the start of the session to familiarize themselves with the controls for the computer, microphones, AV equipment, and timer. Floating technicians will be on hand to assist you if necessary.

APS will utilize a presentation management system where speakers can upload their PowerPoint or PDF slides. There is a computer at the lectern linked to this system. If a speaker brings their own computer, do not unplug the computer at the lectern. Speakers can plug their device into the AV switcher at the lectern.

Because we are capturing the slides and audio for these sessions, please ensure that presenters and the audience utilize the microphones in the room.

If you experience technical difficulties during the session, notify an AV technician or APS staff person for assistance.

Speaker ready room

The Speaker Ready Room will be available to you to familiarize yourself with the equipment in the room and prepare for your session.

Virtual session chairs

APS will host a training for all virtual session chairs, which you will receive more information about in an email with a Zoom link.

  • APS will send an email to you with a link to the Speaker Console where you can set your profile. (Note: You must be registered for the meeting and your registration email must match the one in the online Bulletin.)
  • Log into the Console a few days before your session to make sure you can access the needed Zoom links.
  • On the day of the session, log into the Speaker Console about 30 minutes prior to the start. This will allow you to test your computer, microphone, and audio.
  • The virtual audience will submit their questions via an online chat box during the session. In the Console, there will be a tab where you can approve questions, respond to general questions in writing, and if needed, delete questions that may be inappropriate.
  • At the conclusion of each talk, read approved questions out loud so the presenter can respond verbally to the entire audience. If you run out of time, the presenter can respond to approved questions via chat.

If you are unable to moderate your assigned session, please contact APS Abstract Help immediately so that a replacement chair can be provided. If you would like to suggest a replacement chair, please provide the chair’s name, affiliation, and email.

More information

Attendees & Presenters

APS looks forward to welcoming our attendees and presenters to April Meeting 2024.

In-Person Meeting Experience

Virtual Meeting Experience

A reimagined April Meeting to bring all attendees together


APS looks forward to featuring engaging presenters speaking on groundbreaking physics research.