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H06: Mini-Symposium: Modern Calorimetry Technology at JLab and EIC: Past, Present and Future I

Ballroom A8, Floor 2

Sponsoring Units: DNPChair: Olga Cortes Becerra, George Washington UniversitySession Tags:
  • Mini-Symposium

Thu. April 4, 1:30 p.m. – 2:06 p.m. PDT

Ballroom A8, Floor 2

Electromagnetic calorimeters based on PbWO4 scintillating crystals have a widespread

application in experiments at different accelerator facilities such as CERN, FNAL, GSI,

and Jefferson Lab. The unique properties of PbWO4 crystals, including a small

radiation length and Molière radius, make them ideal for building high-granularity,

radiation-hard detectors. This enables excellent spatial separation and energy resolution

of reconstructed electromagnetic showers, making PbWO4 crystals the material of choice for

numerous experiments. Lead tungstate calorimeters have been successfully used in several

experiments at Jefferson Lab. Two large-scale detectors have been recently fabricated for

future experiments : the Neutral Particle Spectrometer and the lead tungstate calorimeter of the

GlueX detector. The future application of PbWO4 crystals in the Electron–Ion Collider

further highlights their ongoing importance in advancing experimental capabilities. In planning

new experiments, the development of calorimeter instrumentation technologies becomes paramount.

The integration of modern photodetectors, such as Silicon photomultipliers that are capable of operating

in strong magnetic fields, and the implementation of streaming readout data acquisition systems, sophisticated

shower reconstruction algorithms, and real-time data analysis are some examples of the continuously

growing requirements of experimental setups. I will give an overview of the lead tungstate scintillating

calorimeters and discuss some recent advancement in the calorimeter instrumentation.

Presented By

  • Alexander Somov (Jefferson Lab/Jefferson Science Associate)


  • Alexander Somov (Jefferson Lab/Jefferson Science Associate)